Friday, April 30, 2004

I Passed!

So, I'm at work right now. I'm on my lunch and I'd thought I would post that I passed my test!! That means I will be hired in the coming weeks. No more worrying if I will have a job next week or not. I will probably get a raise once I get hired so that will be nice also. I thought I passed, I just wasn't 100% sure. Ok, I'm going to go read and relax, it is hot in here right now.

Werd Up

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Alias, 90 day, Gmail

Ok, there's a lot to talk about today. BTW, Hi, how are you today. I hope I find you feeling healthy.

First off, Alias was great this week! I was on the edge of my seat until I fell off at the end when it was a real cliffhanger just like at during the first and second season. I have to admit I thought Sloan had reformed. Boy was I wrong. I can't wait until this weeks show.

Second, I took the first part of my 90 days test on Monday. It was all on the computer, mostly multiple choice with a few fill in the answer and one essay. Then I took the second and third part yesterday. The second part was all essay. The third part showed some screen shots and I had to fill things in. My boss came up to me today and said that I passed the first part and they have yet to score the second and third part. I'm 97% sure I passed with flying colors so I will be hired soon. That will be nice, to have some feeling of job security. I will probably know for sure sometime this week.

Lastly I signed up to beta test Gmail. It gives you 1GB of storage space for e-mail so you never have to delete e-mails if you don't want to. It should be interesting to see if it makes it past beta. Google is making a lot of noise with this service.

Ok, that's enough from me.
Under the Table and Dreaming,

Monday, April 19, 2004


Per corrections from Bamboo2. Fixed spelling and grammar mistakes on yesterdays posting.


Sunday, April 18, 2004

Alias & The Practice

Wow, Alias was great tonight! It had Jennifer kicking ass with two guns. They tricked me into thinking that they killed off Sloan. It had, what I thought, was the beginning of the end of the blonde chick. This show was the best all season. There were a couple of weak episodes this season, but I knew J.J. couldn't do that all season. The twists keep coming, now Sydney has a sister fathered by Sloan. Only three shows left this season. I hope the show gets picked up for next season. It was picked up by TNT for syndication and that includes up to 88 shows, so next season is almost in the bag. And if a show goes 4 or more seasons then they usually can go even further.

The Practice, I'm saddened that the show will end this season. They are planning a spin off and if David E. Kelly is involved then it should be good as well. We'll have to see.

"I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay."
-- Dave Matthews


Sunday, April 11, 2004

Happy Easter

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!


No Score, Erie

So lets forget that I ever said that I would post every score for the Mets. I just can't seem to do that. I will post important games etc. just not every one.

I went to Erie today. I got some nice clothes for work, cheap at Target. I love that store, it's like Wal-Mart, but better. I hope we get one in our area. I got a coupon for Bed, Bath and Beyond this week in the mail for 20% off so I had to go there. I almost got a 1 1/2 quart All-Clad sauce pan but then I noticed that the coupon said that it excluded All-Clad so I then went over to the Calphalon section and I found some nice pieces in the tri-ply area. It has a layer of Aluminum sandwiched between two layers of Stainless Steel all the way throughout. I ended up getting a 10" Stir Fry Pan. The regular price was $40, but I got it for only $32. A very good deal. If I had gotten the same pan from All-Clad it would have cost over $100. Same quality, same warranty (lifetime), You can't go wrong. I can't wait to use it!

Ok, goodnight sweetheart it's time to go,

Friday, April 09, 2004


Ok, so I already missed a day. I was busy playing with my computer. Getting it up to date etc. So yesterday the Mets lost 18 - 10 to the Braves. Not Good. Then again the Mets Lost today 10 - 8 also to the Braves. The Braves take the series 3 games to 1. Well, at least they are high scoring games, so you can't say they are boring. Ok, I'm off to bed, I get to work tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 07, 2004

The Mets season opener was today and the Mets beet the Braves 7 - 2. GO METS!!!! If you are a Mets fan, I will try to post as many of the Mets scores as possible. It's a long season though, so don't get upset if I miss a day.


Sunday, April 04, 2004

No Alias today, whatever am I to do? Next week it is on an hour later, that's just no good. I made fish and chips for dinner today and it came out pretty good. I even surprised myself. And yes I made the fish part from scratch. I bought fresh Haddock at the store and I made a beer batter and fried the fish. Yum!!

I guess I will find something to do, I ain't got much to talk about tonight, or at least right now, I'm tired :)


P.S. The last post on April 1, 2004 was an April Fool's joke in case you couldn't tell or didn't read my comment.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Ok, so when I got to work today, they told me that this will be my last week here. I talked to Express and they don't have anything else for me right now. They said they will be looking but now what am I supposed to do? I can't afford not to have a job! Well, I guess I should get going and start work only 2 days left here I guess. They didn't even say why, they just did, and since I'm a Temp. They can do that.