Sunday, May 23, 2004


A lot is changing with this Blog. First off Blogger, the way this Blog gets to you, has revamped their look. Second, I am seriously thinking about changing the look of the Blog since it only really looks good in Netscape. I want something that will look good in both Netscape AND Internet Explorer. So keep checking back for the new look and new features including some pictures maybe.

The Alias season 3 finale is on tonight. The commercials make it look like it is going to be one Hell of a show. I will post after the show to voice my opinion about it. I haven't heard if ABC picked it up for a 4th season, but they better have. Season 3, yes this one that ends tonight, will be out on DVD in September, just in time for season 4's start. It will make a good birthday gift! hehe

Alright, I'm off to change some things around here.


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